An advanced literate / novella , semi-selective, portrayal of NORIAKI KAKYOIN from the TV / Manga series, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - as written by REZ !


  • Please DO NOT INTERACT if you are under the age of 16 years old. As I am 22, I do not feel comfortable interacting with or RPing with people below that age.

  • DO NOT FORCE SHIPS. If you would like to ship with my muse, please let me know and we can talk things out! But do NOT force ships on me.

  • My muses do not reflect me as a person! While my muse may act one way, that doesn't mean it's how I am in the real world. If my muse is rude or anything to your muse, please don't take it personally - it's just RP!

  • I will do NSFW RP if asked - but ONLY if the other writer / person asking is 18+ ! I will not do NSFW RP of any sort with anyone under the age of 18.

  • DO NOT TELL ME HOW TO PORTRAY MY MUSE. I portray my muses as I see fit - using my own personal headcanons to spice things up / bring more life to the characters that I write! The way I write my muses may not be entirely canon-compliant, so if you don't like that or are going to reprimand me for not being canon compliant, then you don't have to interact with me.

  • I am not online 24/7. I work a full-time job and have a life outside of the internet. Please do not spam ping me or spam message me to reply. I will always get around to replying when I get the chance, but please don't rush me!


 ABOUT THE WRITER  Hey there, you can call me REZ! I'm 23 years old, gay, and transgender - currently on HRT ( FtM ). I live in an apartment with my wonderful partner on the East side of the United States - please don't flirt with me! My timezone is EST - Eastern Standard Time.
While I am a bit shy, I love talking to people outside of roleplay and I'm a huge fan of making new friends. DMs are always open for casual chat, RP discussion, and plotting!

。 ・ ・゚ ☾ kakyoin

!! For every one of these with a '/' in them, the GREEN text represents information that pertains to my Main Kakyoin Verse.

 NAME.. . . . . . . . . . Noriaki Kakyoin
 NICKNAME(S).. . . Kak ; Nori ; Cherry
 AGE.. . . . . . . . . . . . 17 years old / 27 years old
 HEIGHT.. . . . . . . . . 5 ' 7 / 5 ' 8
 WEIGHT.. . . . . . . .[ UNKNOWN ]
 GENDER.. . . . . . .  Male
 PRONOUNS.. . . .  He / Him
 ORIENTATION.  Bisexual - Male Leaning


Noriaki Kakyoin ( 花京院典明 ) is a smart, cunning, witty, and kind, yet slightly unhinged 17 year old High School student, hailing originally from Wazuka, Japan - a small town with a population of approximately 3.350 people. He is an only child, and lives with his mother and father in Tokyo after the family ended up moving there from Wazuka when Kakyoin was 17 years old.As a child, Kakyoin was lonely. He had no friends - constantly feeling like nobody could truly understand him, and therefore nobody could truly be his friend. Not that any of the other kids really tried to befriend him. But that was fine. Kakyoin had Hierophant - which despite being Kakyoin's stand, was also his best and only friend at the time. Noen of the other children could see Hierophant, and therefore thought of Kakyoin as just a weirdo who would constantly play with his imaginary friend. None of them ever understood. And children still didn't seem to understand him even as the years went on. Throughout his entire time in Elementary and Middle School, Kakyoin never actually had any friends. Though all of this would change once his family moved to a different part of Japan - to Tokyo.
At the ripe young age of 17 years old, Kakyoin and his family moved from their hometown of Wazuka to a more lively part of Japan - Toyko - hoping for a change of pace. Not long after moving was when Kakyoin would attend that fateful trip to Egypt - resulting in him meeting and being flesh-budded by DIO. Upon returning back to Tokyo, Kakyoin tried to kill Jotaro and was ultimately rescued by him after having been defeated. Jotaro was the first person in Kakyoin's life to treat him with genuine kindness other than his own parents, and the two of them went on to form an unlikely friendship. This is around the same time that Kakyoin also meets Joseph and Avdol - both of whom also end up becoming his friends. Having been freed from the control of DIO, Kakyoin decides to join Jotaro and the others on their journey. In a way, it's to prove something to himself. To show himself that he could be strong - that he could do the right thing and show DIO that he wasn't just some weak little boy that could be used like a puppet. And, of course, the fact that he now had friends also helped a bit with his decision.
Over the course of their trip, Kakyoin would learn so much about himself - growing as a person over those 50 days. Gaining even more new freinds ( those friends being Polnareff and Iggy ), Kakyoin was able to surround himself with people that cared that weren't his parents for the first time in his life. Everything felt so liberating, albeit a bit scary as well. Of course it would be scary - Kakyoin had quite literally left his entire life behind to go and defeat a freaky fucking vampire that had tried to get him to kill innocent people! No normal person wouldn't be at least a tiny bit frightened simply given the circumstances. Though that was beside the point. Despite everything - despite the fact that he was scared and had no idea how things would play out in the end, he stayed positive. Stayed optimistic. He was stronger now. He had his friends and a new sort of confidence within him. Together, they were all unstoppable. Because no matter what DIO threw at them, they were able to work together and overcome all obstacles. And that is what made them great. That is was allowed Kakyoin to keep his faith throughout it all.
Even after having finally arrived at their destination after nearly 50 days of long, hard travel...Kakyoin wasn't afraid. In the end, he would face DIO with his friends. Wouldn't fear the man who's mere name was once enough to make him tremble. At the end, he was able to face his fears and face DIO just as bravely as the rest of the Crusaders. Though the price he would end up paying for such courageousness would be nearly fatal.

──────────────── ✧ MAIN VERSE SPECIFIC LORE BEGINS BELOW ✧ ────────────────


" Can you stop throwing my fucking Overwatch game, please? "


!! This list is comprised of other muses that I have RPed with and such! If our muses have never interacted before, they likely won't be shown on the list.

 HOL HORSE.  — Romantic Interest / Husband ( MAIN VERSE ).
Hell - how could he not have a thing for someone like Hol Horse, really. The guy is charming, handsome, and he can be surprisingly nice when he really wanted to be. Kakyoin doesn't really know much about Hol other than the fact that he's bad and he's supposed to be kicking Hol's ass...but by fucking god does he want to know more about him. *Thankfully - after unexpectedly reuniting with
 DIO.  — Frenemy / Unwilling Acquaintance.
Kakyoin will never forgive DIO for what he did, and would never
forget about the horrible things, either. Hell no. It's just such a shame that the damn vampire won't seem to leave him alone! It's annoying, to say the least. Kakyoin has a very strange and complicated relationship with DIO. They aren't really friends...but they aren't enemies anymore, either. Kakyoin just wishes he could go one day without being made fun of for not owning any clothes that are 'cool enough' or whatever -ADDING MORE TO THIS! - Shoot me a DM if you would like a spot on this list!*


!! Some headcanons will be NSFW in nature.

  • Kakyoin loves green apple flavored Fanta. It's his favorite drink of all time.

  • Though he is extremely quiet and reserved when around strangers, Kakyoin is like a social light when it comes to his friends. The second he's around somebody that he trusts or considers to be a friend, he immediately opens up.

  • He hopes to one day become an Astronomer! He even has plans to attend college and get a degree in the field after graduating from High School!

  • Contrary to popular belief, Kakyoin is not entirely Japanese. His mother was a Japanese woman, while his father was an American man from the small town of Waldo, Wisconsin.

!! CURRENTLY A WIP !! - This will be finished later, I promise.


At the end of SDC, Kakyoin is found to somehow still be alive by the Speedwagon Foundation. With their help, and the help of spending nearly a year and a half in the hospital, Kakyoin is able to fully recover. During his stay in the hospital, he runs into Hol Horse. The two of them grow surprisingly close during their time in the hospital, and after finally being released the two of them decide to leave together. Kakyoin goes on to finish High School, gets a Master's Degree in Astronomy, and goes on to become a world-renowned Astronomer and a pioneer for space exploration. He also gets engaged and then married to Hol Horse, and reconnects with his old friends ( such as Jotaro and Polnareff ) during this time.
 HIGHSCHOOL AU.  — Secondary Verse.

!! CURRENTLY A WIP !! - This will be finished later, I promise.